[the poetry billboard] - '82 Duke Street' by Jacqueline Chia
82 Duke Street

Jacqueline Chia

last night you called from annika's house
while i was watching tv.

over the phone -i could feel-
dusty cool wooden floor boards on my feet
distinct smell of fresh garden and secrets
in the corner.

could smell -
bella's dogg breath-

the pitter-patter of her paws.
of course, she made it real by barking
in the background.

last night you called from annika's house
while i was actually on my way

to visit.

over the lines -i could hear-
the crisp cold night and the stars
dark streets drunks trams racing cars
running feet catching the last train

drunk stoned making music wrestling on the floor
squelching bouts of making thoroughly

ridiculous jokes.

Well, annika and i talked for five. for a while it seemed i took
another route to return.

last night you called from annika's house
and i was glad.

after you hung up, i went to my room
and looked at the stars in the forests.
heard them singing about the earlier rain.

for the first time since i returned
i slept with my windows opened.